Riding a motorcycle has some advantages. Motorcycles are less expensive to own and operate, and they are easier to maintain than a car. Motorcycles can be more flexible in traffic situations, enabling the rider to weave through even stopped traffic with comparative ease. Along with these advantages, however, come some inherent safety risks for the rider. Motorcycle riders have less protection, so the potential for serious injury from an accident is high. Learning and following motorcycle safety guidelines can help keep riders safer.
Approximately 8.5 million motorcycles are on roadways and highways as of 2012, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. With the increasing popularity of motorcycles, accident statistics are sobering. In 2013, 4,668 people died as a result of motorcycle accidents, according to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. During the same year, about 88,000 motorcycle riders were injured in accidents.
Some accidents are common with motorcycles, so motorcyclists might learn about typical accidents to learn how to avoid them. Common accidents include those that involve car drivers not seeing motorcyclists on the road. As a result of the reduced visibility, a vehicle might turn left in front of a motorcycle or change lanes into a motorcycle. Cars may also hit motorcyclists from behind when drivers don’t see the motorcycles.
Defensive driving is one key to avoiding and preventing motorcycle accidents. Car drivers may not see motorcycles on the road, which can create a dangerous situation for motorcyclists. A motorcyclist using defensive driving tactics will be constantly vigilant for possible dangers while riding. Increasing the distance between motorcycles and cars is one defensive driving strategy. Paying careful attention to the road and avoiding distractions are additional methods of defensive riding.
A common myth among motorcyclists is that helmets reduce their field of sight; however, experts have found this to be false. Some motorcyclists fear that helmets will reduce their ability to hear while riding, but this is an unfounded concern, as well. Helmets are exceedingly important gear for motorcyclist safety. Head injuries are the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents due to the unenclosed position of motorcycle riders.
Download the Motorcycle Operator Manual to reivew and study the esentials for safe operation of your motorcycle in the great state of Virginia.
Inclement weather cancellations by MSTC, LLC., or cancellation due to circumstances beyond our control: Call us @ 804.400.8597. If canceled, you will have one year from the date of cancellation to reschedule your class. We do not issue refunds. We do not charge to reschedule due to each weather-related cancellation when canceled by MSTC.
A one time free reschedule will be offered for each weather-related event when canceled by MSTC.
If you need to reschedule your class, you must contact us in writing greater than 7 days prior to your class start date. Please send us an email using the link below, add your alternative date if known.
Reschedule/Transfer Payment of $50.00: Money orders or credit cards only and must come with a request. Payable to MSTC, LLC., 11555 Fox Cross Rd, Ashland, Virginia 23005 (please do not send cash in the mail)
For example, If your original class was on a Friday evening, we must be notified no later than 5:00 P.M. EDT (close of business day) greater than 7 days before your Friday class start date.
Rescheduling notices received 7 days or less of your class start date, will not be permitted. Please plan on attending or your total payment(s) will be forfeited. No rescheduled, free seats, free class(s), credits, discounts, or refunds with 7 days or less notice.
Unless otherwise stated a minimum of 4 students is required to conduct all Basic Rider Licensing Courses, Skills Practice Courses, or Trike Courses. Less than 4 students may require rescheduling. Contact the office at 804-400-8597 for clarification when in question.
Please arrive ahead of your scheduled class start time to ensure your acceptance in class. Registered students are requested to arrive early for day one classroom to complete all of their paperwork prior to the start of class. Classroom and Driving Range start times are firm. If you arrive after the start of instruction for your curriculum, you are subject to non-admittance with dismissal. You will not be entitled to a refund or a free reschedule. No exceptions.
Our zero-tolerance policy is respectful and fair to all students, past, present, and future who will or have agreed to these terms. Thank you.
Please think twice before signing up and make every effort to attend, thank you.
If you find you need to cancel your scheduled class, we will refund 70% of your tuition, if you notify us in writing greater than 7 days prior to the first day of your class no later than the close of business at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Eligible refunds will be made by check or credit to your credit card
Example – If your original class was on a Friday evening, MSTC, LLC must be notified no later than 5:00 P.M., greater than 7 days prior to your Friday class start date. If your payment was $250.00, we subtract the 30% ($75.00) for cancellation processing fees, your refund would be $175.00. We will mail a check or credit your credit card depending on your method of payment upon registration. MSTC, LLC will process your request for a refund within five business days from receipt of notification if you qualified for a refund.
E-MAIL AND U. S. POSTAL SERVICE are PREFERED for cancellation notices.
U. S. Postal
@ 11555 Fox Cross Rd
Ashland VA. 23005
NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE. E-mail or USPS protects everyone with a time and date stamp.
ALL cancellation notices received 7 days or less before the first day of your class will NOT be processed and will result in non-refundable tuition, registration, and any other payments. We regret we cannot accommodate your request for any refund if received 7 days or less prior to the first day of your class. Many times throughout the year, it is difficult to re-sell your seat with less than 5 days’ notice or less.
If you purchased your seat (Class) within 7 days or less before the start of your class and decide to cancel, you will NOT be entitled to any refund, free class, discounted class, a free or paid to reschedule, or any compensation. You will forfeit your entire purchase price.
Please think twice before purchasing a class 7 days or less prior to the first day of your class.
Our zero-tolerance policy is respectful and fair to all students, past, present, and future who will or have agreed to these terms. Thank you.
Please think twice before signing up and make every effort to attend, thank you.